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Senator James E. Ross

Dedication and vision has marked the career of State Senator James E. Ross. A Coast Guard veteran of the Pacific Theater with four battle stars, his experience as a millworker and construction foreman enabled him to effectively represent the working man in government. His service as a Workmen's Compensation Referee in the Department of Labor won him four terms as Chairman of the County Commissioners. Through his leadership, the Geriatric Center became one of the nation's finest, the county parks system was expanded, and Penn State's Beaver Campus and the Community College became realities. A trustee of Penn State's University Board-Branch Campuses, he was awarded its bronze medal in 1969. Because of his concern for the retarded and for community development, he has served on the boards of the County Retarded Children's Association, the Conference on Community Development, the County Mental Health-Mental Retardation Committee, as Chairman of the Smoke Control Association for Western Pennsylvania, and Chairman of the Senate Urban Affairs and Housing Committee.